Łomża High School Project

In April 2019, a project formed between the III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Żołnierzy Obwodu
Łomżyńskiego AK and The Counterfeit Poles team. Through high school history teacher,
Marcin Mikołajczyk, Nathan and Helen's story was able to return to Łomża, and perhaps even
more fittingly, to a high school nextdoor to the Talmud Torah where Nathan once taught.

Under the guidance of the Mr. Mikołajczyk, the high school history club created a book
entitled Śladami Żydów Łomżyńskich [In the Footsteps of the Jews of Łomża]. The students
researched the history of the Jews of Łomża from 1494 when public mentions first reference
a Jewish community to 1942 when the Nazis liquidated the Łomża Ghetto. Importantly, inspired
by The Counterfeit Poles, in their publication, the students invite the readers to walk with
Nathan and Helen through Łomża. Nathan and Helen's Łomża was almost 40% Jewish. Today, the
students from III Liceum Ogólnokształcące's Łomża has no Jews. Nathan and Helen, as two of the
last Jewish citizens of Łomża, in turn, become tour guides of their city providing a new
perspective from which to view it and shining a light on its former Jewish population.
Sladami Zydow.pdf
Click HERE to view the publication. 
Łomża High School Project